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Resident Evil Revelations Mod Leon

This feature is not available right now. please try again later.. Welcome to the resident evil modding community! we hope you enjoy your visit! general. board threads posts resident evil remaster work in progress mods, resident evil remaster modding tutorials. 604: 4,652: ada wong re4 long dress re remaster mod by biohazardgamer oct 3, 2018 3:52:42 gmt 10: resident evil revelations 2 modding - 6 viewing.. Shigu put together an amazing model swap of resident evil 4's main protagonist, leon s. kennedy. he also kept that fashionable jacket you lose so early on ;) there is one minor glitch with the back of his hair that mostly results from an alpha issue, but in all honestly, you have to squint to see it.

Leon Kennedy in RE:Retribution 2012 - Resident Evil Photo ...

Leon kennedy in re:retribution 2012 - resident evil photo

Leon scott kennedy is an american federal agent for the division of security operations (d.s.o.). prior to this, he served as a police officer with the raccoon city police department (r.p.d.) for a single day. in resident evil 6 leon is able to keep resident evil: revelations 2 characters. resident evil: vendetta characters.. Resident evil 6 resident evil 4 leon mod (self.residentevil) submitted 2 years ago by evilchubs101 if anyone has a link or could upload the re6 re4 leon mod for story mode i would really appreciate it, i cant seem to find it anywhere and i prefer the old leon. A texture replacement for leon at the begining of the game. does not affect leo later in game. retextured hair, pants, jacket, and underarmor. resident evil 4 - melee trainer and patch files the brains behind the ultimate settlement building experience - sim settlements. a mod that has laid the framework for an entire category of add.

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