ESysLauncherPROSetup 2 0 0 Build 45 RAR
Someone is repackaging my E-Sys Launcher PRO and packaging it as ESysLauncherPROSetup_2.0.0_Build_45.rar. This file didnt come from me. It appears the RAR file is password protected. If you see this file, do not download it for the following reason:
1) It is not for sale and whatever token that comes with it will be blocked and will be useless
2) Build 45 is the first release. The mapping data that came with this build is faulty. Check CAS and see if you get any descriptive text at all. That is just one of the many ECU affected. FEM, IHKA,KOMBI, NBT, CIC...etc. are also affected, some partially, others completely.
If you get the bright idea of updating the mapping data, dont bother. Encryption key is different and will be totally useless.
This is the kind of actions I absolutely abhor, its despicable. You do something and someone is bound to exploit it.
UPDATE: Ive been getting barrage of emails asking for token, or password or decryption key from this build. I dont know any password, nor decryption key, so please if you DO NOT ask me, if you insist on using this build.